Where Gaming Skills Translates to Rewards Where Gaming Skills Translates to Rewards is an innovative skill-centric gaming platform designed to reward its contributors and foster a self-sustainable token economy for skill-based games. This article offers insight into's features, opportunities, and guidance on how users can earn points & $GG rewards.


Depicted as a "clean-cut, skill-driven gaming" platform, leverages decentralized, blockchain-backed services to transform player, developer, and contributor skills into awards. It's designed to provide a demonstrably fair gaming atmosphere while advancing a decentralized governing infrastructure through Reboot DAO.


Constructed on nine core components, integrates features and mechanisms ensuring fairness, rewarding opportunities, and decentralized governance. All these components collaborate to generate a strong ecosystem for skill-based gaming.

Accumulating Points and $GG proffers several methods for users to earn points and $GG rewards. These comprise:

  • Trading on Bybit: Users can gain additional arcade points by trading on the Bybit platform until Jan 12, with a total of 500,000 $GG set for rewards.
  • Referring a Friend: Users can refer others to register for and earn referral fees.
  • Planets: Users can purchase planets and burn them to yield $GG rewards over two years, or directly receive 25% of the total $GG.
  • POW and Punks: Users can buy POW and Punks tokens, then burn them for $GG rewards (held for a year) or game credits (fully unlocked). The conversion rates stand at 1 POW to 0.41 GG and 1 PUNKS to 0.75 GG.

Reward Provision and Game Validation:

Besides, offers added opportunities to gain $GG rewards through two unique activities:

  • Reward Provision: Reward Providers can furnish $GG to the Rewards AMM pool, create markets for their preferred games, and earn fees.
  • Game Validation: Validators can gain fees depending on the game sessions they validate, fostering a fair gaming environment.

Battle Plan and Exciting Game Line-up is set to release Battle Plan, its maiden game, in collaboration with Pixel Vault and MetaHero. Playing games will also reward users with points and $GG. With further plans to expand the game selection, Wolf Game and Chimpers are already queued up for launch.

Future Expansion

Future add-ons and game inclusions in include Game On, Battlepass, I Need a Hero, Nerd Core Committee, and Gear Pods. More details on these enhancements will be divulged as progress is made.

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